1. For how long did you take Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml?
The taste was very pleasant, quite minty which I really liked as couldn’t feel “hempy” taste at all.
2. How easy was it to administer Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml?
It had a pump, which made it very easy to dose.
3. Why did you want to take/use Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml?
I’ve been trying this product for severe hip pain.
4. For how long did you take Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml?
Tried it for one month.
5. Did you find Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml beneficial?
Found it very beneficial, reduced my pain approximately from 10 to 4. I’ve been given to try this CBD product by a friend after telling my story. After living in constant pain for almost two months and trying many natural anti-inflammatory supplements combined with physiotherapy, I thought there was nothing to lose before I move onto prescribed medication. I’ve been using 25% Gold Leaf CBD oil three times a day for one month, but I felt an effect even after first evening dose. I could tell there was a massive improvement as I had a first restful night after a while without needing to wake up from pain while trying to change the position in bed. Within next couple of days I was able to get out from bed in the morning without needing a support, which meant a lot to me because in those two months I had to take at least ten minutes until I reach the bathroom! After using a product for a month my pain went from being sharp and stiffed at the beginning to dull and mild by the end of the month. I would rate it going from 10 to 4. As I’ve been diagnosed with severe Sacroiliitis in my right hip I am aware the healing process takes time but the condition is much more manageable than before and I am very happy I could avoid the strong prescribed painkillers. After a month I’m continuing to use this CBD product and that’s is the only natural product that helps me to heal!
6. Would you recommend Gold Leaf Silver 25% (2500mg) Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil 10ml?
Yes I would definitely recommend this product.